Business Domain

- Electronics
- Taking a Positive Action to Innovate Electronics Related Industries As IT is progressing on a global scale, OHARA provides, along with supporting information, indispensable materials to various sectors such as non-ferrous metals and salts chemicals, fine ceramics, liquid crystal, OEL materials, rechargeable batteries, functional resin moldings and plating chemicals, sputtering targets, and vapor deposition materials, for manufacturing semiconductor and electronic parts essential to IT field. Also, in addition to material supply, we also cooperate with customers in an effort to constantly observe up-to-date technological trends and aim to be a total coordinator in electronic industry in quickly response to the daily accelerating technological development. We take a proactive stance to the development of new battery materials and their related systems.

- Petrochemicals Oil / Synthetic Resin
- Applying a Wide Variety of Material Technologies over the Petrochemical Indutries OHARA is engaged to provide functional surface active agents, special high-performance dispersing agents for powder processing, various agents for polymerization and processing, raw materials for detergents, etc. and making proposal on superabsorbent polymer used for paper diaper. We also work positively to supply high-value-added and environmentally friendly plastic materials to automotive, building material and electrical wire manufacturers.

- Steel,Refractories & Nonferrous Metals
- Contributing to the Basic Industries of Iron and Steel, Refractories and Ceramics OHARA is supplying chemical agents for these fields and actively involved in offering new technology and information for the pivotal industry. In addition, we have been engaged to the refractory materials essential for the manufacture of metal and ceramic products. In the field of nonferrous-metals, we deal with chemical agents, materials and equipment for metal recycling, focusing on by-product materials generated in the refining process.

- Basic Chemicals
- Making Remarkable Progress on the New Generation Material Development OHARA has been devoted to handle basic chemicals as a core business since the establishment, as supported by valued partners, business experience and information. Today, we are ready to contribute to development of the chemical industry by creating information network to meet customer needs and by developing high purity chemicals, nanotechnology products, electronic-related materials and functional products like catalyst materials.

- Electronics
- Keeping Safe on the Automotive Industries by Utilizing the Chemical Field Network OHARA is making useful proposals to customers, in consideration of their development aim, for variety of materials including for brake units which are important safety parts in the automotive industry. As a total coordinator, we propose cost-saving measures including tailor-made contracts and logistics arrangements. As a “ready-to-serve” trading company, OHARA contributes to the industry by meeting all needs of customers, inclusive of local-material procurement.

- Paper / Pulp
- Aiming at the Sustainable Earth Conservation from the Viewpoint of Paper and Pulp Business Environmental consideration is of utmost importance now in handling chemicals related to paper and pulp industry. OHARA is in a position to supply products for all the paper-related fields from manufacturing to waste water treatment and, at the same time, to get involved in environmental conservation actively. In addition, a distribution base is set up to support our supply of the chemical agents mainly for paper and pulp works in the North-Eastern region in Japan.

- Environment
- Creating a Resource-recycling Society by Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Activities OHARA is actively involved in environmental conservation through the sales of various treatment chemicals for water, air and soil. We work on recycling by membrane system, volume reduction of waste liquids by condensing facilities, recovery of acid and alkali by electrodialyzer, recycling of nonorganic salts by bipolar membrane electrodialyzer, heavy metal elimination by chelating resin, etc. Also, chemicals for reducing environmental loading and energy-saving products are our active business targets.

- Medicines / Cosmetics / Other
- Supporting Healthy Lives of People on a Basis of Chemical Technology In Japan, where the population is aging, the role of products such as medicines, health foods, cosmetics, etc. are becoming increasingly important. In addition to medicaments such as bulk and intermediate products, OHARA meets diverse needs for cosmetics, food additives and biotechnology-related products. Also, OHARA is actively expanding contract manufacturing business and making constant effort to challenge new fields such as organic synthesis and others.

- Overseas
- Providing the Chemical Technology with the Challengeable Market around Asia With a focus on Asia, OHARA is increasing and diversifying import and export of materials and products. In particular, in the import and export of hazardous materials, we receive high reputation for the transactions in small lots as well as in large containers. Moreover, we are strengthening our business subsidiary in Thailand, dealing with privileged local customs duties system in the area. OHARA is developing automotive parts, steel-processing agents and the plants designed for the food and environment fields.